Category Archives: Restaurant Taxes

Guest Blog: Is Business Loan Interest Expense Tax Deductible?

If you take out a business loan, is the interest expense that you paid on that loan deductible on your taxes? The short answer is “it depends.” Tax deductibility of interest expense depends not on the type loan, but on how the loan is used. Debt financing that is used for business purposes – that

Service Charges vs Tips: Changing Restaurant Wage Models

couple seated at restaurant table discussing the bill

Service charges are in the headlines more than ever. Many restaurant owners are rethinking their wage model to maintain a competitive advantage during a labor revolution. In this article, I will discuss: Changing wage models The differences between a tip and a service charge Sales tax on service charges Payroll taxes for tips and services

How Distributions and Profit & Loss Allocations are Taxed

Welcome to the second portion of restaurant capital and ownership series: How Distributions and Profit and Loss Allocations are Taxed! In Part I, Raising and Distributing Capital for Restaurant Startups, we discussed what capital is, how to read an operating agreement, and we walked through an example showing how capital is distributed among owners. In

Raising and Distributing Capital for Restaurant Startups

raising and distributing capital

This is part 1 of a 2-article series. Please check back to read our article on taxation of distributions and allocation of profits and losses. You are a restaurateur with a great idea for a restaurant and feel it is a cannot-miss investment opportunity. There are several different options to raise the capital you need

What You Need to Know About Services Charges vs Tips

Animation of a personified service charge chasing a man

On January 1, 2014, the IRS enforced Revenue Ruling 2012-18 which defined tips vs service charges (aka Autograt) and clarified the tax implications of each. Almost 5 years later, it seems there is still some confusion among restaurant owners, employees, and customers. Service charges are usually implemented to ensure the certainty of tips for tipped

The Forgotten Tax Credit for Restaurants

While states are opening throughout the country, the current job market for restaurant owners has been challenging as potential employees are hesitant in the rapidly changing environment. Restaurants can benefit significantly from taking advantage of the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) which encourages restaurants to expand their hiring pool. Eligibility for the WOTC The WOTC