Category Archives: Restaurant Taxes

Restaurant Self-Rental Traps and Benefits

restaurant self rental

Do you own the real estate for your restaurant, bar, or nightclub? If so, you probably keep it in a separate LLC and file a separate tax return. If not, please check out The Ideal Tax Structure for Your Restaurant’s Real Estate to understand the ideal tax structure for your real estate. Renting your real

The Ideal Tax Structure for Restaurant Real Estate

If you own the real estate for your bar, restaurant, or nightclub, you have likely been advised by your lawyer or accountant to place it into a separate LLC. There are many legal and tax advantages to separating your real estate from your operational entity. In The Best Tax Classification for Your Restaurant, we explain

DC Small Retailer Tax Credit for Restaurants, Bars, and Nightclubs

DC restaurants, bars, and nightclubs with less than $2.5m in sales can receive a $5k tax credit annually. This is a dollar-for-dollar refundable tax credit, not just a tax deduction. So even if you don’t have an income tax liability due to not being profitable, you can receive $5k from the DC government. After factoring

DC Ballpark Fee for Restaurants

DC already has unfavorable taxes for restaurants – they charge a minimum gross receipts tax, don’t recognize pass-through entities for nonresident partners/shareholders, impose a sales tax on service charges, impose a high-income tax rate, and more. The DC minimum gross receipts tax (franchise tax) is imposed on your gross sales regardless of your profit. The

The NOL and Excess Business Loss Limitations for Restaurants

Gone are the days when you could freely generate a loss for a restaurant using bonus depreciation and then offset your other sources of income using those losses. The losses you can claim from your restaurant or bar against your other sources of taxable income, such as wages or investment income, are now limited. These

Profits Interest: Tax Free Equity in a Restaurant Partnership

If structured effectively, issuing sweat equity can reward and incentivize employees in a restaurant group. However, when the equity in an LLC (taxed as a partnership) is granted, the value of that equity is generally taxed upon vesting, thus subjecting the employees to tax without receiving any cash. The value of the equity is also

2024 Guide to Filing Restaurant Taxes

Looking for better tax-saving strategies for your restaurant? The 2024 Guide to Filing Restaurant Taxes: Tips and Tricks, hosted by TouchBistro, is here to help! Rather than simply explaining how to organize your tax documents and walking through the basics of how to file taxes for a restaurant, this guide provides a comprehensive roadmap of

Tax Considerations When Paying Artists in Your Restaurant, Bar, or Nightclub

When paying a DJ, musician, comedian, or other performer in your restaurant, bar, or nightclub, there are a variety of forms you need to request, prepare, and file with the IRS. Sometimes, you may also need to withhold taxes and remit to the IRS. The forms you request from and file on behalf of your

Deducting NY and NYC Taxes Paid by Restaurateurs

Most New York restaurant owners cannot deduct their NYC and NYS taxes paid because they don’t itemize deductions for federal tax purposes. Even when they do itemize, their state and city deduction is limited to $10k, which is tiny compared to the state taxes a profitable restaurant owner pays. This can have devastating tax consequences