Author Archives: Raffi Yousefian

How to Deduct Pre-opening and Expansion Costs

Deduct Pre-opening and Expansion Costs

Pre-opening expenses for a new restaurant can be a trap for the unwary because they’re generally required to be capitalized as intangible assets for tax purposes and amortized over 15 years starting in the month the restaurant opens instead of fully deductible in the year incurred. However, if you add a location, your pre-opening expenses

Buying vs Leasing a Car for Your Restaurant Group

Buying vs Leasing a Car

Understanding whether you should buy or lease a vehicle for your restaurant group requires understanding the financial fundamentals of leasing versus buying. Put simply, a lease is the financing of a vehicle’s depreciation during the period you use it. For example, if you lease a $65k delivery van for three years, and the delivery van

How to Fund Restaurant Expansion


Where do you go for money if you have reached store-level profitability at your existing restaurants and want to expand? As our Restaurant Financial Success Guide mentions, expansion should only be considered once you have ideal unit economics and a profitable business model. If you’re producing 15-30% store-level pre-tax profit margins, you can probably bootstrap

Retirement Plans Tax Credits for Restaurant Group


In the Ideal Retirement Benefit Plan for Restaurant Groups, we summarized how a 401(k) is the most suitable retirement benefit plan for restaurants. In this article, we’ll summarize the tax credits available for offering a 401(k). The tax credits we describe are calculated by the business for pass-through entities (partnerships and S-corporations) and claimed on

The Ideal Retirement Benefit Plan for Restaurant Groups


The restaurant and food industry are behind other industries in offering retirement plan benefits to employees. Plan participation is the lowest of all industries, and average account balances place second to last, according to a 2022 Defined Contribution Plan benchmarking survey conducted by PlanSponsor. Restaurant groups can offer a retirement benefit plan to their employees

Managing Card Spend and Controls in a Restaurant Group

Managing Credit Card Spending

As a growing restaurant group, you want to systemize your operations so that you can scale and grow quickly. Yet, you still need agility in purchasing because you’re in a fast-paced industry, and anything can come up last minute. As a result, you have most likely issued corporate cards to your key employees. Corporate credit

A Complete Guide to Restaurant AP Internal Controls

Internal Controls in Restaurant

If you want to grow and manage a fast-growing multi-unit restaurant group, you need a systemized purchasing and payment process that allows you to delegate while maintaining segregation of duties and internal controls. A systemized purchasing process with the proper controls is critical for scaling from one to ten locations and beyond because it ensures:

Restaurant Self-Rental Traps and Benefits

restaurant self rental

Do you own the real estate for your restaurant, bar, or nightclub? If so, you probably keep it in a separate LLC and file a separate tax return. If not, please check out The Ideal Tax Structure for Your Restaurant’s Real Estate to understand the ideal tax structure for your real estate. Renting your real

Track Daily Prime Costs in Marginedge in 2 Steps

Prime Costs in Marginedge

Prime costs as a percentage of sales is the most controllable and impactful key performance indicator (KPI) in any restaurant or bar. COGS and labor alone are not good profitability indicators because low COGS is often offset by high labor and vice versa. In, What Should Prime Cost be in a Restaurant?, we outlined the

Reporting Calendars Used by the Nation’s Largest Restaurant Groups

Restaurant Group

If you’re a restaurateur or bar and nightclub owner, you may already know all the benefits of a 4/4/5 or 13 x 4 week period calendar for financial reporting purposes. If not, you can check out our article titled Is A 4-week Reporting Cycle Ideal For Your Restaurant or Bar to learn how a 52/53-week